July 5, 2024

Kabayan, Benguet has opened another hiking destination where residents and visitors could climb aside from the famous Mt. Pulag.

In an executive order, Mayor Florante Bantales, Jr. ordered the opening on June 14 of Mount Al-al as a tourist destination of the municipality

Municipal Tourism Officer Fernan Bangonan said the new tourist site is the mountain between mounts Pulag and Tabayoc and its peak could be reached in two hours. 

He said the municipality has prepared accommodation near the site for the hikers.

Mount Al-al has always been included as a side adventure in the annual “Mt. Pulag Holy Climb” scheduled during the Holy Week, prior to hikers going to the four lakes in the municipality. 

The Mt. Al-al summit stands at 2,704 meters above sea level (MASL) while Mt. Pulag stands at 2,928 MASL.

Kabayan carries the tagline “Mystical Kabayan” offering the view of the third highest mountain in the Philippines and the highest mountain peak in Luzon, as well as the hometown’s rich culture and tradition.

Aside from the mountains, the town also offers the Lake Bulalacao or Bulalakao, Lake Incolos, Lake Tabeo, and Lake Letep-ngepos, all in Barangay Ballay.

Kabayan is also continuing its monitoring of accommodation establishments such as in Barangay Bashoy to ensure compliance of homestay to tourism standards with regards to the safety, sanitation, availability of rooms, and other basic amenities to provide a better experience for guests visiting Mt. Pulag – Ofelia C. Empian