July 7, 2024

When you believe in Christ Jesus, know that God has an awesome plan for your life. He knows you very well. The moment you were conceived in your mother’s womb, He knows you, how you grew up, your success and failures in life. He knows exactly, your past, present and future, what your life will be from the beginning to the end. One great thing to know is that Christ Jesus loves you and cares for you, so much and more than you can think of. He guides you and sees exactly what you should do in every situation. Not only does He have a will for you, but He also makes it possible for you to know what that will is.
First God has a moral will. In other words, there are universal truths, such as the Ten Commandments, that apply to every man and woman on Earth. Many people don’t pay attention to these precepts. They read then go out into the air. Ignoring God’s commandment does not negate them. The truth is, people who disregard them actually live in a continuous state of rebellion against the will for their creator.
Second, God has specific personal will for every individual. His plan for you is completely different from His plan for me. Both are God given, but tailor made for our unique personalities. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Because each person makes mistakes, we can see that God’s personal will contains some circumstantial qualities. If we step outside of the Lord’s will, does that mean we can never again get on track with Him?
Of course, not. Rather, God chooses to work in our lives, He loves to help you and me, guiding us through whatever circumstances we face. When we slip, when something goes wrong, when we make mistakes unknowingly, He works through that mistake to bring us back in line with His will. His truth never changes, but His methods of bringing us into that truth are modified according to our situation.
Don’t let troubles keep you from God’s plan for your life. He wants to use your trials, your pains, hurts, betrayal, loss, whatever it may be that troubles you; He will use it to strengthen you, regenerate, enrich, ignite and restore your life for the future.